The Beausejour Wind Quintet

I am proud to be a member of the Beausejour Wind Quintet, which has performed at the Classics by the Bay Festival in Parrsboro, NS for the past four seasons.

The members are Anne Varner, flute, Belinda Code, oboe, Iris Frazer, bassoon, William Costin, horn and myself, clarinet.

This year’s programme was very well attended despite the cold, rainy weather, and enthusiastically applauded!  Our programme was: Mozart’s Overture to the Magic Flute, arranged by Linckelmann, Kleine Kammermusik by Paul Hindemith, Trois pièces brèves by Jacques Ibert, Tarantweeka (ode to a hyperactive cat!) by James Grant Code, Le tombeau de Ravel by Maurice Ravel, transcribed by Mason Jones, and Dance Suite by Norman Hallam.

All the members of the Beausejour Quintet are also members of Musica Viva NB. We are available for concerts and background music and you can contact me or Anne Varner ( to discuss details.

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